Field Trips
Glassblowing is an ancient craft that has been around for over two thousand years. It is a great educational field trip that involves science and history. Visit our studio to get a first hand experience in glassblowing. We offer interactive demonstrations where we explain the entire process from start to finish of making a glass piece. We also cover all of the equipment and tools used in our studio. The other option is a hands on field trip where students can create their own glass project.
Field trips are available by appointment Tuesday – Saturday from 10:00-7:00 and on Sunday from 11:00-5:00. Earlier appointments are available upon request.
Interactive demonstrations are $100 per hour. There’s a maximum of 40 people for a demonstration per studio space. We have two studios that can handle a total of 80 guests. For the hands on classes there’s a maximum of 55 participants. This is a pay per project basis. The pricing can be found on our Make Your Own Activities page.